2020-2021 Annual Report

Changing the Course of Lives and Medicine.

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A Message to You, Our Donor

The past year was one of challenges and opportunities. We began the year with the uncertainty of the pandemic, and finished it with the hope brought by vaccines. Despite having to adapt, the foundation surpassed expectations, raising over $24 million and completing an historic merger. We have so much to be proud of, despite the difficulties we faced.

The McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) Foundation merged with the Montreal Chest Institute (MCI) Foundation in Spring 2021. Under the MUHC Foundation banner, we are now raising millions to benefit the MCI through our Dream Big. Breathe Easier campaign. With respiratory illness on the rise, and the lingering effects of COVID-19-induced pneumonia, this partnership could not have happened at a better time.

Though millions of Canadians have now received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, we must continue to support research to better understand every aspect of the virus. The MUHC Foundation is committed to supporting our world-class physician-scientists as they delve into every aspect of the virus. Our big dream is to end the COVID-19 pandemic, and to support all forms of innovative health care to change the course of lives and medicine.

We hope you will dream big with us.

Norman Steinberg, Ad. E.
Chair, Board of Directors

Julie Quenneville
President and CEO

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The Importance of Working Together

In the past year, the unpredictability of infectious diseases has resonated beyond the walls of academic health centres and research institutes with the hope of mitigating the threats they pose. Indeed, COVID-19 has had an enormous impact on our community, including drawing attention to the importance of working together to keep each other safe.

At the MUHC, we are proud of our teams who overcome new challenges daily while always keeping in their sightline the pursuit of excellence and innovation in our many fields of expertise. Much has been accomplished in a short time, not only from the perspective of testing, treatment, research discoveries and education, but also from the standpoint of learning to better care about each other’s wellbeing. That we owe a lot to the generosity of donors is an understatement.

Your support of the MUHC Foundation helps provide us with the means to go above and beyond basic care. In the last 12 months, your support also brought much-appreciated relief to frontline workers. We therefore take great pleasure in extending our sincerest gratitude to the MUHC Foundation and its remarkable donors, volunteers and staff for supporting the present and the future of the MUHC. We count ourselves fortunate to be working together with as fine a community as ours.

Peter Kruyt
Chair, Board of Directors, MUHC

Pierre Gfeller, MD CM, MBA
President and Executive Director, MUHC

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Dream Big Campaign

We are raising $200 million to transform the MUHC, one of the world’s newest and most advanced teaching hospital networks, into a leading international hub for innovative clinical research that will change the course of lives and medicine. We have raised over $79 million to date, and had a vast impact on health care in Montreal and beyond.

Our Campaign's First Year

A Year of Inspiring Stories

See More


Your generous support of the COVID-19 Emergency Fund, launched in March 2020, has helped the MUHC Foundation raise over $7 million to respond to this global health crisis. This transformative support is funding groundbreaking research to help us fight the COVID-19 pandemic, ensure optimal patient care, and help our hospital heroes on the front line continue their important work.

Our Pandemic Response

Foundation In Action

Throughout the year, the MUHC Foundation and dedicated volunteers give back with the gift of their time and effort to support the remarkable work of the MUHC community. We invite you to discover below the many ways the MUHC Foundation is having an impact.

Nursing Week

Image of nurses posing

Holiday Spirit

Image of two women posing infront of a cafe in holiday sweaters

Free Masks for Visitors

Image of three people posing in masks next to some boxes
See More

Financial Impact


Disbursed to the MUHC in 2020/2021


Projects Supported to Tackle COVID-19


Research Hospital in Quebec (MUHC)

In 2020-2021, the MUHC Foundation raised over $24 million to support research, teaching and patient care at the McGill University Health Centre. We couldn’t have done it without you.

Read Our 2020-2021 Financial Report

Board of Directors

Our Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors which includes members from the medical, scientific, academic and business communities. These dynamic leaders ensure that we maintain the highest standards with regards to ethics and best accounting practices.

Norman M. Steinberg, Ad. E.
Board Chair
Vice Chair, BFL Canada
Jane Craighead, PhD, CPA, CA
Co-Vice Chair
Independent Director, Park Lawn Corporation
Michael Denham
Co-Vice Chair
Vice-Chairman, Commercial Banking and Financial Markets at National Bank
Marc P. Tellier
Co-Vice Chair
Partner, McKinsey & Company
Claire Trottier, PhD
Co-Vice President
Associate Professor, McGill University
Patrick M. Shea
Partner, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Mark Beaudet
Corporate Director
Daniel Buron, CA, CPA
Senior Vice President & CFO, Domtar Corporation
Richard L. Cruess, MD, CC, OQ, FRSC
Professor, McGill University
Bryan Fitzpatrick
Director of Business Development, Pomerleau Civil Infrastructure
Lili Fortin
President, Tristan
Gerald Fried, MD, FRCS(C), FACS
Former Surgeon-in-Chief, McGill University Health Centre
Michael Goodman
President, Heritage, Global Wellness Corporation
Lucie Guillemette
Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer, Air Canada
Micol Haimson
Senior Vice President and Branch Manager, Raymond James
David Hewitt
President, Hewitt Group Inc.
Sacha Haque
Partner, General Counsel & Secretary, Sagard Holdings
Eddie Leschiutta, ICD.D, FCPA, FCA
Retired Partner, Deloitte
Matthew Marchand
Corporate Director
Anna Martini
Executive Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer, Club de Hockey Canadien Inc. et Evenko
François L. Morin, LL.B
Partner, Borden Ladner Gervais
Erin O’Brien
Corporate Director
Marc Parent
President and Chief Executive Officer, CAE
Stefanie Pelletier, CPA, CA
Treasurer, Vice-President of Finance, Fonds immobilier de solidarité FTQ
Lucy Riddell
Designer, Five Faces
Patricia Saputo, FCPA, FCA, ICD.D, TEP, DTax, FPI
Chief Financial Officer, Placements Italcan Inc.
Alexandre Viau, MBA, CIM, FCSI
General Manager, Deragon

Annual Report PDF

We invite you to download our 2020-2021 Annual Report PDF, which will provide you with the latest information on the MUHC Foundation, including updates on how your donations contribute to the advancement of patient care, teaching, and research at the McGill University Health Centre.
